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"The pursuit of knowledge is a responsibility.
Higher education is our privilege."
- T. A. Hillard

The End of an Era
The Beginning of a Legacy

Tom Brokaw called them "The Greatest Generation."

They were a generation of men and women who knew how to make something from nothing. They took responsibility for their destiny, found resources where there were none, and knew how to work to create something new and valuable. Working the raw earth with strong hands, they carved into the frontier of the West to make a new existence for themselves and for their families.

This is the legacy of the Hillard Educational Trust, marking the end of an era in world history. Now we stand to benefit from the integrity, perseverance, stamina, and hard work of these ancestors.
Purpose of the Trust

To provide financial support for the post secondary education efforts of the natural and adoptive descendents of the siblings of Clarence and Lucille Hillard. The intent is to enable students to be better able to serve our families, our communities, our world and our God through the wisdom, skills and experiences gained through higher learning.